



2025春节日记作文大全 篇1

Today is the second day of the lunar new year. My mother took me and my sister to my aunts house to pay a new years Eve.

Soon after we arrived at her house by bike, I said that my aunt wished you good health and all the best. My aunt said that your mouth was so sweet. I sent you a big red envelope. After I took the red envelope, I said thank you.

2025春节日记作文大全 篇2

During this winter vacation, that is, during my last vacation in primary school, the adults in order to avoid the noise of the city and enjoy themselves in the quiet place, they took me to the phoenix town near Dinghu mountain。 Dinghu mountain is mainly divided into two major scenic areas: one is the main peak to Ding and Qingyun temple; two is from the nearby town of Phoenix in the Dragon Lake area of rainforest gully。

In this tour where I feel the most is second days to return the cattle bar Valley rain forest adventure, there is single, double cable suspension stimulation on the surface of the water, from the surface of a metre or two meters high, and each has at least five meters long, ten meters long, and let the foot go on only a few mm wide cable。 Especially those single cable, although not as long as double cable, but on two steel cables are vertically aligned, so when not to climb back up or down, seems to have felt very dangerous, and the Sora is not straight, stand up make you frightened。

And the hardest thing is to climb those mountains。 The mountain is actually some shorter。 But in the precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, on both sides of a row of ropes and chains, but also because it is surrounded by forests, water flow down, and there are some moss on the stone, so are often too slippery and almost fell into, and some places are too high too steep and we must seize the rope, feet to dent and protruding place the walls to climb out from the foot to the mountain for at least 1 hours to walk。 This is the most valuable exploration can fully reflect the team spirit of unity: behind the players can report to the players in front of the above (such as a tree, listening to a rock; and the pioneer) report in front to the back of the players (such as listening to the slippery ground, a cable)。(PoPO666.cOM 泡泡演讲稿)

I am very happy this trip, because I not only increase my knowledge, but also know how to unite and cooperate。


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一天就要结束了,相信你有很多感悟吧,是时候写好总结,写好日记了。那么什么样的日记才合适呢?下面是小编收集整理的三年级2025年春节看春晚日记,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。2025春节日记三年级二百字 篇1今天,下了毛毛细雨,我和外公去老家拜年。到了老家,我跑向阿姨的家去说...

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演讲稿的写法比较灵活,可以根据会议的内容、一件事事后的感想、需要等情况而有所区别。在充满活力,日益开放的今天,接触并使用演讲稿的人越来越多,还是对演讲稿一筹莫展吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的关于五四青年节英语演讲稿带翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。2025青年节日记大全 篇...

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