1、从什么时候开始,你在我心里占据了别人,不可动摇的位置。 What time from the beginning, you have someone in my heart, unshakable position.
2、平安夜,报平安,平平安安迎圣诞;跨万水,越千山,祝福接力问候传;鹿蹄急,雪橇快,圣诞礼物堆成山;炉火旺,驱严寒,圣诞树下美梦圆。圣诞快乐! On Christmas Eve, report peaceful, safely to meet Christmas; Across the river, the mountains, the blessing relay greetings, Deer hoof, sled, Christmas gift mountain; Cold fire, flooding, Christmas tree dream round。 Merry Christmas!
3、我会忽视掉你的缺点,即使大家都在说你坏话我也不会参与其中,因为我把你当姐妹。 I will ignore your faults, and even if they are bad for you, I will not be involved, because I will be your sister.
4、这条短信是平安夜的平安大使,声声向你报平安,让这安心的旋律,陪伴你安心度过今晚,度过明晚,度过今后的每个夜晚。平安夜快乐! This message is Christmas Eve peace ambassador, sound to offer safe, to reassure the melody, with peace of mind you spend tonight, spend tomorrow night, spend every night in the future。 Happy Christmas Eve!
5、度过吉祥平安夜,迎来喜庆圣诞节。欢天喜地来庆贺,愁云惨雾全抛舍。圣诞老人送大礼,福禄寿喜都不缺。圣诞钟声传入耳,祝你天天都喜悦。 For peace and prosperity for the night, bringing in the Christmas festival。 Merrily merrily to celebrate, gloom all behind。 Santa Claus gift, ferro ShouXi has everything。 Christmas bell incoming ears, I wish you joy every day。
6、平安夜送你苹果,祈福你一生平安幸福;圣诞节送你个香橙,保佑你一世心想事成;狂欢夜送你个火龙果,祝愿你一辈子红红火火。 Silent night send you apple, bless your life safety and happiness; Christmas to send you a orange, bless you forever horse; Carnival night to send you a dragon fruit, I wish you all your life thriving。
7、平安夜里报佳音,莫分尊贵与主宾;人间真情赛真金,朋友之间心连心;凝聚思念发短信,愿你节日开心、事事顺心、天天欢心,圣诞快乐。 Christmas caroling, noble and guest; Human feelings of gold, between friends heart to heart; Miss text cohesion, wish you happy holidays and all well, happy every day, merry Christmas。
8、周五又来临,保持好心情;工作烦恼抛一边,快快乐乐似神仙;三五朋友聚一聚,凑到一起不容易。愿君有个愉快的周末! Friday comes again, keep good mood; Work to your side, be happy like the fairy; Three to five friends get together, together is not easy。 Wish you have a nice weekend!
9、I will have flowers and the moon 我也会有鲜花和月亮
10、平安夜,送你一个苹果两个橙,保你平平安安心想事成,再送你百事可乐一瓶,愿你快快乐乐乐无穷!祝你平安夜快乐,圣诞节快乐! Christmas Eve, send you an apple, two orange, protect your horse safely and to send you a bottle of Pepsi wish you happy joy endless! Wish you a merry Christmas Eve and merry Christmas!
11、平淡是真,平静是情,平坦是路,平缓是心,平安是福。平安夜来了,用平平常常的文字送去我真真切切的祝福。愿你收入平稳上升,事业平步青云! Really is flat, peace is love, is a smooth road, gentle heart, peace is a blessing。 Christmas night, with ordinary text sent to my real wish。 I wish you a steady income rise, cause pollution!
12、所谓平安,就是身体健康,无病无恙。事业有成,无克无难。生活美满,无波无折。今天是平安夜,愿主赐予你这一切。祝幸福快乐。 The so-called peace, is healthy and disease-free。 Successful, no, no。 Happy happy life, no wave, no discount。 Today is Christmas Eve, may the Lord give you all of this。 I wish a happy happiness。
13、想办法努力赚钱,而不是如何省钱。 Think of ways to make money, not how to save money.
14、闺蜜,就是那种今天吵,明天笑,近了烦,远了想。 Bestie, today is the kind of loud laugh tomorrow, near far to bother.
15、平安夜是一首温馨的歌,因为你而变得美妙动人;圣诞节是一首快乐的诗,因为你而变得精彩夺目。我的短信是一阵清新的风,因为发给你而变得活泼生动。祝圣诞快乐! Christmas Eve is a sweet song, become beautiful because of you; Christmas is a poem of happiness, because you and become a splendid。 My message is a fresh wind, become lively and vivid because of the sent to you。 Wishing you all a merry Christmas!
16、Good luck in the year ahead! 祝吉星高照!
17、想吃饼干前,把手放在自己的肚子上感受脂肪的存在。 Before eating cookies, put your hands on your stomach and feel the presence of fat.
18、平安夜,夜夜平安,今夜冬风,明朝春风,室外寒气,室内暖意,祝福声起,礼物飞来。今夜是平安夜,祝君来年事事如意,天天美满。圣诞快乐! On Christmas Eve, peace, and night tonight wind in winter, spring breeze, the Ming dynasty cold outdoor, indoor warm, soul。but about beats, gifts。 Tonight is Christmas Eve, wish you all the best in the coming New Year, happy happy every day。 Merry Christmas!
19、心如花木,向阳而生 The heart is like flowers and trees, born to the sun
20、朋友温柔,人间浪漫。 Friends are gentle. Romance in the world.
21、很多话想对你说但又被离别的情绪咽了下去唯有:你要狠快乐勿忘我! A lot of words want to say to you and had to be parting emotions swallow down only: you want to malicious happy forget me not!
22、周末来临之际,本人谨代表宇宙共和国、外太空省、银河市、太阳镇、地球村发来最真诚的祝福,祝你开心快乐每一天! Weekend is coming, I on behalf of the republic of China, province, city of the Milky Way, the sun in outer space town, from the most sincere blessing, the global village to wish you a happy happy every day!
23、你跟她说话毫无顾忌,想骂就骂想甜蜜就甜蜜而且真的无话不谈,才是闺蜜。 You have no scruples to talk to her, xiangmajiuma is sweet sweet and really want to talk about is bestie.
24、吃下去的就坚决不再吐出来,所以吃之前要想清楚。恋爱也是。 To eat is determined not to spit it out, so to eat before you want to know. Love is.
25、闺蜜我们要做一个有深度的姑娘,有脾气的女流氓,有教养的淑女。 Bestie we want to be a girl, a temper rascal educated lady.
26、闺蜜就是最黑暗的时候,陪你一起等天亮的人。 When is the darkest bestie, accompany you when people.
27、大家一起变好玩。 Let"s have fun together.
28、幸福一首七步曲,前面五步的艰辛和忙碌正是为了后面两步的悠闲和快乐,又到了跳后两步的时候,祝你可以拥有一个好心情! A seven step of happiness, the five steps in front of the hard and busy for two steps behind the carefree and happy, then jump after two step, wish you can have a good mood!
29、彩灯闪烁,美丽的色彩映照你我;圣诞狂欢,欢乐的氛围笼罩你我,钟声悠扬,悦耳的音乐陪伴你我。祝你的平安夜是幸福夜,祝你的圣诞节是狂欢节! The color of the lights flashing, beautiful shine upon you and me; Christmas carnival, the atmosphere of joy over you and me, melodious bell, sweet music to accompany your me。 I wish you a happy Christmas Eve is the night, I wish your Christmas is carnival!
30、节假日上街疯狂雪拼之前,从钱包里扣下一百块。 Before the holiday Shangjie crazy snow fight, deducted from the wallet one hundred.
31、状态低靡的中午不如睡觉,遇到低谷就放自己大假。 Dimi status as the noon sleep, put his face on the bottom leave.
32、不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我。 No matter how far the future is, there are you and me on the way to growth.
33、在谷底也要开花,在海底也要望月 Blossom at the bottom of the valley and the moon at the bottom of the sea
34、每天树立小目标然后努力实现。 Set small goals every day and work hard to achieve.
35、做好防晒,但记得适当地晒晒太阳。心情也会进行光合作用。真的。 Good sun, but remember the sun. The mood also can carry on the photosynthesis. Really.
36、即便没有月亮,心中也是一片皎洁 Even if there is no moon, the heart is a bright
37、生日、圣诞节、情人节,记得买礼物送给自己。 Birthday, Christmas, Valentines day, remember to buy a gift for yourself.
38、结局总是好的,如果不够好,那就还不是结局 The ending is always good. If it"s not good enough, it"s not the end
39、万事胜意的女孩们。 Girls who win everything.
40、平安夜你将搭载平安列车起程,从此你会天天一路平安,月月一路平安,年年一路平安,还有你的家人和朋友也会一生平平安安,平安夜快乐! Christmas Eve you will pick up peace train depart, every day from now on you will be a good journey, yueyue bon voyage, bon voyage, every year there are your family and friends will be life in peace, happy Christmas Eve!
41、灯红酒绿夜生活,纸醉金迷通宵乐。本性其实很淡泊,放荡只因讨生活。狂欢尽处是寂寞,梦回方知身是客。清心寡欲平安夜,万种情愁对你说! Neon nightlife, music all night。 Nature is indifferent, dissolute, for a living。 Carnival far is lonely, becomes know the body is the guest。 They have Christmas Eve, ten thousand kind of mood to tell you!
42、闺蜜你记住:他若折断你的翅膀,我必亲手毁了他的天堂,有我在没人敢伤害你。 Remember: your bestie if he break your wings, I will destroy his heaven, I have no one dare to hurt you.
43、全世界最好的面,都比不上见你一面。 The best face in the world is no better than seeing you.
44、平安夜离不开温暖的火炉,圣诞节离不开缤纷圣诞树,圣诞老人离不开驯鹿,我离不开你——我的棉袜子,我要把你放在床头装礼物!圣诞快乐! Christmas Eve leave the warm stove, cannot leave the colorful Christmas tree Christmas, Santa Claus is dependent on the reindeer, I can not do without you, my cotton socks, I want to put you on the head of a bed gift! Merry Christmas!
45、陪你走过聚散离合,走过是是非非;陪你意气相映,同气连枝。 Accompany you through the gathering and dispersing clutch, passing right and wrong; Companion with your emotions.
46、让我的祝福翻过解放大道的栅栏,穿过吉庆街的烧烤摊,游过浩瀚的东湖,爬上巍峨的龟山,向你所在的任何角落狂喊:周末快乐! Liberation road fence, let my blessing turned through the auspicious street barbecue, swimming across the vast east lake, climbed up the majestic guishan, any corners to your crazy shout: happy weekend!
47、减肥是为了更美好的人生。要是因为减肥而失去了生活的乐趣,不如放弃。 Weight loss is for a better life. If because of losing weight and lose the fun of life, it is better to give up.
48、送走旧年的时候,也送走一年的阴郁,迎来新春的时候,也迎来新的希望。 Off the old, off a year of gloom, usher in the New Year, also usher in a new hope。
49、永远执着于快乐 Always be happy
50、一个微笑,包含多少深情;一个祝福,藏纳多少关怀;一个问侯,表露多少呵护;一条留言,送来无限温暖!祝朋友天天快乐! A smile, include how much deep feeling; A blessing, and how much care, A greeting, show how much care; Sent a message, infinite warmth! I wish friends every day happy!
51、天亮了吧,闹铃响了吧,极不情愿地起床了吧,我的问候及时赶到了吧,高兴了吧,那就笑笑吧。早安,祝你好心情! The morning, the alarm clock rang, reluctantly got up, my regards to arrive in time, happy, smile。 Good morning, good mood!
52、无论茶水是浓是淡,让幽香永驻心间;无论间隔是近是远,让记忆彼此相连;无论联络是多是少,让祝愿永远不变! Whether the tea thick is weak, let the fragrance etched in heart; Regardless of the interval is nearly is far, make the memory connected to each other; No matter how is contact is less, let not the wish!
53、我们的友情,不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了还能一辈子。 Our friendship is not a lifetime without quarreling, but a lifetime after quarreling.
54、请允许我为你毕业表示祝贺,愿你未来前程似锦,生活幸福! Please allow me to congratulate you graduate, hope for your future future, happy life!
55、谢谢你陪我走过这么些年,谢谢你包容我的坏脾气,包容我的无理取闹。 In the process of your pursuit, struggle and hard work, I will always stand by your side with a smile.