1、只要你好好的,我过得怎样都无所谓,因为,我的爱人,有他的爱人爱他。 As long as you are good, how I live does not matter, because, my lover, his lover loves him.
2、青春是一道明媚的忧伤,爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。 Youth is a beautiful sadness, love a person is difficult, give up their beloved people more difficult.
7、这座城市,注定车水马龙,等繁华落幕,寻片刻寂静。 The city, doomed to heavy traffic, such as the end of the bustling, find a moment of silence.
8、从念念不忘到不起一丝波澜,这难熬的日子你怎么会了解。 From never forget to not a trace of waves, this difficult day how you understand.
10、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。 I am still waiting for you in situ, but you have forgotten to have been here.
11、失去比得不到更可怕,因为它多了一个过程,叫做曾经。 Losing is more terrible than not getting, because it has a process, called once.
14、黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,它却让我爱上黑夜给我的疼痛。 The night gave me black eyes, but it let me fall in love with the night to my pain.
15、时间是一块劣质橡皮擦,把爱你涂得面目全非,却不能不落痕迹。 Time is an inferior eraser, the love you painted beyond recognition, but can not leave traces.
16、选择大于努力,可拉倒吧,你只想用选择代替努力,没有努力你选择个屁。 Choice is greater than effort, can pull it down, you just want to use choice instead of effort, no effort you choose a fart.
17、当一个人用生命演绎了青春,那么他的青春也证实了他生命的价值。 When a person deduces youth with life, then his youth also confirms the value of his life.
19、我希望自己依旧还是个孩子。没有破碎的心,没有痛苦的眼泪。 I wish I were still a child. No broken heart, no painful tears.
20、我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,只是厌倦了所有的依靠。 I am not proud, nor nonsense, just tired of all the rely on.
21、我们都需要诉说,也都需要倾听。 We all need to talk and we all need to listen.
23、在乎,才会乱想,不在乎,连想都懒。 Care, will be confused, do not care, even think lazy.
26、我需要一个人一双手,陪我左右至死方休。 I need a person with a pair of hands, accompany me around to death.
28、有多少人?为了她爱的人放弃了爱她的人? How many people? Giving up the one she loves for the one she loves?
30、念旧的人总是容易受伤,喜欢拿余生来等一句别来无恙。 Nostalgic people are always easy to hurt, like to take the rest of your life to wait for a goodbye.
31、数学里有句话,过程错了就是错了。 There is a saying in mathematics that the process is wrong.
33、就算生活中有再多的失望,也希望你能试着接受,并且学着不为难自己。 Even if there are more disappointments in life, I hope you can try to accept, and learn not to embarrass yourself.
34、趁我还在对你说晚安,趁我还爱你,请好好珍惜这份情。 While I still say good night to you, while I still love you, please cherish this feeling.
40、当一切都消失了,谁能明白,唯有时光,那记忆里的童话已经慢慢融化。 When everything is gone, who can understand, only time, the memory of the fairy tale has slowly melted.
41、坚持了不该坚持的,固执的,放弃了不该放弃的。 Insist should not insist, stubborn, give up should not give up.