



英语自学吉他和弦教学计划 篇1





1. 具备英语基础能力,能够熟练阅读英文吉他教材、资料和乐谱,听懂英文歌曲的歌词和节奏,以及理解英文词汇和术语。

2. 熟悉并掌握基本的吉他常识,例如吉他的结构和类型、弦数和音域、调整和维护等。

3. 配置一支合适的、品质优良的吉他和配套的吉他设备,例如调音器、拨片、吉他效果器、吉他选自等。


1. 学习弦音和数字表示方法


2. 学习主要和弦


3. 学习扫弦和弹唱技巧


4. 练习吉他曲目



1. 学会借助工具


2. 建立学习计划和练习计划


3. 注重细节和技巧




英语自学吉他和弦教学计划 篇2





C:C major

D:D major

E:E major

F:F major

G:G major

A:A major

B:B major




C major:在第一品位上,用食指按在第一弦第一品,中指按在第二弦第二品,无名指按在第三弦第三品。

D major:在第二品位上,用食指按在第二弦第一品,无名指按在第三弦第二品,中指按在第一弦第三品。

E major:在第一品位上,用食指按在第三弦第一品,中指按在第五弦第二品,无名指按在第四弦第二品。

F major:在第一品位上,用食指按在第二弦第一品,中指按在第四弦第二品,无名指按在第三弦第三品。

G major:在第三品位上,用食指按在第六弦第三品,小拇指按在第一弦第三品,中指按在第五弦第二品。




C major 到 G major

D major 到 A major

E major 到 D major

F major 到 G major




1. 看歌词,在每个和弦之间进行转换


2. 翻译歌词


3. 找到英语歌词和弦谱




英语自学吉他和弦教学计划 篇3



Music is an international language that connects people from all walks of life regardless of their ethnicity, culture, religion, or language. Playing the guitar is one of the most popular musical activities around the world. It is a versatile instrument that can be played in various music genres such as pop, rock, folk, country, jazz, and classical music. In this instructional essay, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to teach yourself guitar chords using English chord charts.

Step One: Know the Basic Guitar Parts

Before delving into the guitar chords, it's essential first to know the basic parts of the instrument. The guitar consists of six strings that produce different sounds when plucked. The strings are attached to the guitar body, which houses the soundhole and sometimes a pickup for amplification. The neck of the guitar is where the frets are located, and the headstock holds the tuning pegs. Therefore, familiarizing oneself with guitar parts is imperative in quickly grasping the rudiments of playing guitar chords.

Step Two: Learn to Read English Chord Charts

The majority of chord charts comprehensively use English chord names, symbols, and letters. Familiarising oneself with this language is crucial to understanding how to place fingers on the fretboard to form chords. The left-hand side of the chord chart is where the strings are displayed vertically, while the horizontal lines represent the frets. The X symbol indicates that one doesn't play that particular string, whereas "0" depicts an open string that should ring out loudly. Each letter in the chord chart represents a particular finger placement on the fretboard, and a circle means that the respective string should mute.

Step Three: Practice Major Chords

Once the basic parts of the guitar and chord charts are familiar, one should begin practicing the fundamental guitar chords. These include the C, D, E, G, and A major chords. The C chord involves placing the first (index) finger on the first fret of the B string, the second (middle) finger on the second fret of the D string, and the third (ring) finger on the third fret of the A string. The D chord is played by putting the first finger on the second fret of the G string, the second finger on the second fret of the E string, and the third finger on the third fret of the B string. The E chord is played by putting the first finger on the first fret of the G string, the second finger on the second fret of the A string, and the third finger on the second fret of the D string. The G chord involves placing the third finger on the third fret of the E string, the second finger on the second fret of the A string, and the first finger on the second fret of the C string. Finally, the A chord requires putting the first finger on the first fret of the B string, the second finger on the second fret of the D string, and the third finger on the second fret of the G string.

Step Four: Practice Minor Chords

Minor chords are the backbone of most modern music genres since they provide contrast to the major chords. Common minor chords include E minor, D minor, A minor, and C minor, which are played by making slight adjustments to the finger placements of the corresponding major chord. For instance, the E minor chord involves placing the second finger on the second fret of the A string, while the other fingers remain on the same frets as the E major chord.

Step Five: Learn Barre Chords

Barre chords are more advanced and require a bit more finger strength, dexterity, and practice. Barre chords involve using a single finger, usually the index finger, to press down multiple strings across several frets simultaneously. Common barre chords include the F, B, and C sharp chords. The F chord involves placing the index finger across the first fret on all strings except the E string, the middle finger, on the second fret of the G string, the third finger on the third fret of the A string, and the pinky on the third fret of the D string.


With consistent practice, one can quickly master the rudiments of playing guitar chords using English chord charts. The essential components to kick-off one's journey include learning the basic parts of the guitar, mastering English chord charts, practicing major chords, learning minor chords, and polishing up barre chords. These steps are fundamental to enabling one to play almost any song on the guitar, regardless of the music genre. Playing the guitar allows one to express their creativity, emotions, and connect with people through music, regardless of their linguistic or cultural backgrounds.

英语自学吉他和弦教学计划 篇4



Music is a universal language that connects people across cultures and regions. Guitars are one of the most popular musical instruments played by individuals all around the world. Learning to play the guitar in the English language can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. This article will provide a comprehensive guide and plan for English learners who want to learn guitar chords on their own.

Section 1: Basic knowledge of the guitar

Before diving into the world of chords, it is essential to understand the basic anatomy of the guitar. A guitar consists of six strings, which are attached to the guitar's body. Each string is identified by a specific note. The notes, from the thinnest to the thickest string, are E, B, G, D, A, and E. It is also important to learn the different parts of the guitar, such as the headstock, fretboard, and bridge.

Section 2: Learning guitar chords

Chords are a group of multiple notes played together to create a harmonious sound. To learn guitar chords in English, it is essential to learn the chord names and guitar chord charts. A guitar chord chart shows the position of fingers on the fretboard to play a specific chord. The chord names are usually made of letters and numbers such as C, D, G, Am, etc.

Section 3: Practice strategy

In learning guitar chords, practice is crucial. Start with simple chords such as C, G, D, and E. Practice playing these chords slowly, focusing on getting the correct finger placement and strumming pattern. It is also essential to practice transitioning between chords. Play one chord for a few seconds, then switch to the next. Repeat this process until a smooth transition between the two chords is achieved.

Section 4: Utilizing online resources

There are numerous online resources that provide valuable information and materials for learning guitar chords in English. Websites and apps such as Ultimate Guitar, Justin Guitar, and Guitar Chords Easy offer chord charts, tutorials, and practice materials.

Section 5: Advancing your skills

Once you have mastered the basic chords, it is time to advance your skills. Start by learning more complex chords such as Am, F, and B. Practice chord progressions, which are sequences of chords played in a specific order. You can find practice materials for chord progressions online.


In conclusion, learning guitar chords in English is an exciting journey. With the right knowledge, practice strategy, and resources, anyone can learn to play the guitar. Patience and persistence are essential to advance your skills and become a proficient guitar player. Good luck on your journey!

英语自学吉他和弦教学计划 篇5

As a beginner, learning guitar chords can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, with the right approach and resources, anyone can master the basics of playing guitar in no time.

First, it's important to understand the basic anatomy of a guitar. This includes the neck, frets, strings, and tuning pegs. Familiarizing yourself with these components will make it easier to understand how to form and play chords.

Next, it's important to choose the right resources for learning. Online tutorials and YouTube videos can be a great starting point, but investing in a good guitar chord book or app can be even more helpful. These resources can provide visual aids and explanations, as well as practice exercises to help reinforce your learning.

When beginning to learn a new chord, it's important to start slow and focus on proper finger placement. It's better to take your time and get it right than to rush through and form a bad habit. Practice transitioning between chords slowly and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable.

Perhaps most importantly, make sure to practice consistently. Set aside time each day to practice your chords and work on building muscle memory. Don't be discouraged if progress seems slow at first- with dedication and practice, anyone can become proficient in playing guitar chords.

In summary, learning guitar chords as a beginner can feel daunting, but with the right approach and consistent practice, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Remember to take it slow, choose the right resources, and practice regularly. Before long, you'll be strumming along to your favorite songs with confidence and ease.



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