





Unit 9 When was he born 第一课时 l教学内容与分析 教学内容: Section A: 1a 1b 1c SectionB: 1a 1b 3c 教学目标: a. 能够掌握基本单词和词汇。 b.  能够运用基本句型进行提问。 c. 能够运用所学形容词来描述他们所崇拜敬佩的人。。 l教学重点、难点分析: 教学重点:基本单词,词汇和句型。。 教学难点:能够运用wh-句型用一般过去式提问。。 l 课前准备 本课时的教学课件 教师准备磁带和录音机。 l 教学设计      教学步骤       建议和说明     K热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) An English song:  Twelve months Greetings    K呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) 教学句型 When were you born?  I was born in/on …   When was he/she born?  He/She was born in/on… T:  Student A, How old are you? A:  I’m thirteen. T:  When is you birthday? A:  My birthday is August 16th. T:  You were born in 1993.   You were born on August 16th,1993. T:  Student B, How old are you? B:  I’m … T:  When is your birthday? B:  My birthday is … T:  You were born in …/on…. T:  Student C, when were you born? T and C: I was born….. T:  Student D, what about you? D: I was born …. 教学in 和on 接时间的区别 in接年或月份或年月 on接具体的年月日 学生接龙操练一组 A: When were you born? B: I was born in /on… When were you born? C: I was born in/on … When were you born? D: I was born in/on… ….. 学生pairwork和performance 并引入 When was he /she born ? He/She was born in/on….       教师呈现一张刘翔的照片。并就他问一些问题。 Who is that?  What does he do? What does he look like? How old is he?  When is his birthday?  When was he born?   ‘教师再引入二个体育明星:姚明和罗纳尔多   ’.Work on 1a 写出自己所知道的体育明星.   K听力训练 work on 1b 听出四位明星的'出生日期.   K拓展/巩固(Extension/Consolidation) pairwork as 1c vperformance wTake Jordan for example and present these sentences and some adjectives, like famous, outstanding and so on: T: When did he start to play basketball?   How long did he play basketball?   When did he stop playing basketball?   What is he like? Talk about other famous persons just as above: work on Section B 1a and 1b  Exercise Homework (work on 3c on Page 57.) Write a short passage about your favourite person.        在学唱中调动学生情感,营造氛围,并有意识地复习前面学过的十二个月份。           已学知识的巩固,真实的情景使学生容易学会如何表达并容易接受所要学的新知识。                         通过接龙这简单易操作的活动强化训练新知识。简易操作的两人合作比赛,大大提高了学生的参与欲望,强化了学生的听力。自然而然的提高了学生的学习效率。         学生熟悉并崇拜的明星出现能够引起他们的好奇心,并激发他们学习的 欲望。                       用熟悉的人物引出新句型,学生容易理解并接受.       巩固课堂所学内容.       为下堂课的值日报告作准备。



Section A:活动1a至2c主要通过听说的方式,描述UFO的发生过程, 在情景中呈现并学习了过去进行时态的意义及其结构,学习了when和while引导的时间状语从句。活动3a至活动4通过读写的'方式,通过任务驱动,讲述了UFO故事的结尾,然后通过小组交流活动,应用巩固过去进行时态。

Section B:在Section A的基础上进一步升华,应用前面学习的知识谈论学生身边常发生的事情,增强语言的真实实用性,教材编排按照先听说后读写循序渐进的方式,便于学生掌握和巩固。

Self Check目的是检测重点词汇、目标语言的应用,是学生单元复习和小结的指南。





A、New words and phrases barber shop,bathroom,bedroom,kitchen,UFO,alien,experience,accident,cutting hair,climbing,jumping,shouting,land,get out of,take off,follow,happen,scared,strange,amazing

B、Recycling shop,store,library,supermarket,museum,TV station,police,boy,girl,reporter,called,took a photo,eating lunch,crowded

A、Structures(语言结构) Adverbial clause with when,while Questions and statements with past progressive

What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

I was sitting in the barber’s chair.

The barber was cutting my hair.

While he was buying a souvenir, a girl called the police.

(3)、Functions(功能)T alk about past events. Tell a story.

2、过程与方法 本单元通过听说读写各种活动,了解了UFO,学习了UFO的故事发生过程,巩固掌握一般过去时态和过去进行时态,能够讲述或者复述故事,描述自己身边发生的事情。


四、重点难点 理解和掌握过去进行时态的意义功能,能区别一般过去时态和过去进行时态意义,熟悉句子结构,能应用运用这两种时态;掌握when,while的用法和区别及其引导的条件状语从句。

五、教法选择、学法指导与资源准备 根据学生特点及其对基础知识的掌握、教材编排特点以及语言教学的特征,我准备将教材作如下整合。第一课时,先从现在进行时态引出过去进行时态,两种时态对比,加深学生对两种时态的理解和知识间的前后联系,然后进行操练,进而教学when和while的用法,加深巩固和理解,接着教学Section B 1,2a,2b,2c;第二课时教学UFO专题,完成Section A;第三课时安排阅读复述教学,将教学内容进行升华;第四课时进行故事编排的写作教学,并进行单元复习小结,完成Self Check。采用以下教学法:情景创设呈现语言教学法、活动交流交际法、视听法、读写法、任务型语言教学法、成果分享教学,自学探究教学法等。培养学生自学探究意识,对学到的知识应该加以归纳、分析、比较,找出异同点;加强对新语言的操练。



Teaching and learning steps

Step 1 Learn to read the words on p127

1. Look at the new words and try to read them in pairs.

2. Let one student to read them out .

3. Correct the pronunciation.

Step 2 : Learn to rem ember words on p 103

一. Remember the words by looking at pictures.

1. robot

2. tree

3. rocket

4. astronaut

5. space station


7. pet

8. parrot

9. the Word Cup

10. scientist





二. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.

1. probably:maybe

2. unpleasant: not happy

3. housework: chores

三. Remember the words by th eir similar pronunciations and forms.

1. myself yourself herself himself

2. few fewer

3. look book took

4. which such

5. man human

6.bought thought

7. sound found

8. see seem

四. Remember the words

1. possible (可能的) impossible(不可能的)

2. bored(无聊的.,修饰人) boring(无聊的,修饰物)

3.interview (动词,采访) interviewer(名词,采访者)

五.Remember the words by their Chinese.

Step 3 Consolidation of words

听写单词,老师提学 生默。不会的,再 记忆,默写。



1词汇:countryside, sky, clear, beauty, nature


1、 思考 _____________ 2、 在乡下________________

3、空气更清新_______________ 4、天更蓝,树更绿___________

5、享受自然的美丽________________ 6、去那儿度假__________

1. What are you thinking about?..你在想什么?

think about考虑,思考与think of 意思相近.如:我正在考虑买一本新词典。

I’m thinking about buying a new dictionary.

think of 作“想起,想到,认为”讲时,与think about 不同

1) Does Wang Wei like the life in the countryside?


2)How does he think about the life in the countryside?


1.I’m thinking about life ________________________.(在乡村)

2.The air in the country is_________________________.(很新鲜)

3.I’m going to my grandma’s home for my ________________.(暑假)

4.That __________________(肯定是)fun.

5. Our country is_____ beautiful than before.

A. much many B. more much C .much more D. much

6.Birds are _______than insects.

A. big B. bigger C .biger D. more big

7.Hainan is a very large island. It’s the second _____ island in China.

A. larger B. largest C . large D. most large

8.The box is very______.

A. heavy B. heavier C .heaviest D. more heavy

9.Our garden isn’t so____ as theirs.

A. larger B. largest C .large D.more larger


八年级(上)U24 L95-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力


通过本课学习,进一步巩固情态动词的用法,掌握must和have to 的区别,以及\“每……\”的'表达法和instead之用法。



1. 复习昨天教过的新单词让学生齐读并抽个别学生起六拼写。

2. 现在有不少减肥药品,证明人们已经认识到了肥胖的危害,那么,肥胖究竟怎样让人们感到不适呢?Mrs Brown就遇到了这个问题,Let‘s turn to page 95,read the text as quickly as you can,then find out what was wrong with Mrs Brown.\“

① feel tired ②have to ③every five minutes ④look over ⑤nothing much wrong ⑥what do you mean ⑦exercise

感到… +adj(well,hungry,happy worried…)提问加助动词

其中,have to 随人称、时态的变化而变化,而must则没有时态、人称的


如:1、Do you want to sing as well as Jacky? 2、Where is Chendo?In the Southwest of China.


八年级(上)U24 L95_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力









【教学难点 】体味文章意境。

一、导入  新课:

著名学者余秋雨说过这么一件事,一个外国朋友曾经问他说:“中国有意思的地方很多,你能告诉我最值得去的一个地方吗?请只说一个。” 同学们猜是哪个地方?(三峡)那么,三峡何以有那么大的魅力呢,请看:






















作业 :

1 对三峡工程众说纷纭,你的看法呢?结合课文和你查找的资料,谈谈你对建立三峡水利工程的看法。





[4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]  ...  >>


第一课时 l教学内容与分析 教学内容: Section A  1a, 1b,1c  教学目标: a. 能够听、说、读、写地点名词aquarium, science center, gift shop, museum, 和动物名词dolphin, seal ,shark, octopus。 b.  能够听、说、认读句子:what did you do last school trip? Did you go to the zoo? Were there any sharks?并能运用这些句型来描述自己和他人的身高。 c. 进行询问和谈论过去发生的事情。 i. Encourage students to think and talk in English through communicative tasks and provide the   students with the chances of cooperation ii. Get students to realize the importance of protecting animals and help them build up the sense of   environmental protection iii. By visiting the aquarium, encourage students to know more about our culture and love our country  l教学重点、难点分析: 教学重点:能够听、说、读、写地点名词aquarium, science center, gift shop, museum, 和动物名词dolphin, seal ,shark, octopus。实际情景中会运用询问和谈论过去发生的事情。 (i)The key vocabulary about the animals in the aquarium (ii)Affirmative and negative statements in the past tense, “Did you, Were there” questions. (iii) The ways of talking about the events in the past.   教学难点:对过去的事情进行询问并会简单的描述。Aquarium, souvenir的'发音也是本课时的教学难点。 i)Create the situation for students to use “The Simple Past Tense” and the sentence patterns “Did you see …?” “Were there …?” “Did you go …?” freely. (ii)Find out the answers on the flashcards outside the classroom by understanding the questions on the screen. (iii)Guide students to make up their own dialogues by interviewing the famous persons.   l 课前准备 教师准备主情景图的教学课件。 教师准备磁带和录音机。 l 教师设计      教学步骤       建议和说明


How do you make a banana smoothie?教案示例 I. 学习目标 1.学会描述混合饮料、沙拉、三明治等食品的制作程序。 2.学会区分可数名词和不可数名词及如何表示量。 3.学会写菜谱。 4.学会描述某个过程。 II. 学习向导 语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 How do you make…? Peel the bananas. How many apples do we need? How much milk do we need? First, cut up the bananas. Then, … 通过对话练习,巩固所学知识。 通过上下文进行逻辑排序。 通过合作学习,启发思维,培养动手能力与合作精神。 first, next, then, finally cut up, peel, put, mix up, turn on salad, sandwich, hamburger watermelon, lettuce, onion, turkey, relish honey, mayonnaise, 语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习可数名词和不可数名词 How many/How much 问句 叙述过程的词: first, next, then, finally 谈论自己喜爱的食物 描述制作食物的过程 社会实践:制作食物 文化:了解其他国家的饮食文化。 III.疑点、难点解析 1.cut:切,割,剪,割破;cut up:切碎,粉碎,捣毁。 如: I cut my finger when I cooked dinner yesterday. 昨天我做晚饭时割破了手指。 The butcher cut up the meat. 屠夫把肉切碎. 2.可数名词和不可数名词量的表示方法。特别注意不可数名词要加表示容器或体积大小的名词,与of构成短语才能表示量。 如: a piece of paper, two teaspoons of cinnamon,a cup of yogurt,a bar of chocolate 3.add…to 把…加到…上。 如: If you add 5 to 6, you get 11. 五加六得十一。 4.在描述一件事情的先后顺序时,恰当地使用副词first、next、then 和 finally,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性。 IV. 补充的词汇 1.碟子 dish 7. 苏打水 soda 13. 酱油 sauce 2.盘子 plate 8. 奶油 cream 14. 香油 sesame oil 3.汤匙 spoon 9. 桃 peach 15. 黄油 butter 4.刀子 knife 10. 梨 pear 16. 色拉油 salad oil 5.叉子 fork 11. 葡萄 grape 17. 花生酱 peanut butter 6.打蛋器 egg beater 12. 草莓 strawberry 18. 芝麻酱 sesame paste   V. 能力训练 一、补全对话 A: Let’s______ fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. How ______cinnamon _____we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how _______ apples do we need? A: Let me think… We ______two apples. B: OK, and how much mayonnaise do we need? A: Two teaspoons should ______enough. 二、重新安排下面句子的'顺序,使其成为一个完整的对话。 1. I’m hungry. Let’s make a fruit smoothie. 2. What else do we need? 3. Two teaspoons should do it. And we need two teaspoons of yogurt. 4. We need three. 5. How many bananas do we need? 6. That sounds good. What fruit do we need? 7. How much mayonnaise do we need? 8. OK, three bananas, two teaspoons of mayonnaise and two teaspoons of yogurt. 9. We need mayonnaise. 10. We need bananas. 三、选择填空。 1. You should ______ the bananas and put them in the blender. A. cut down B. cut up C. cut in 2. Mon, can I turn _____ the TV? I want to watch the soccer game. A. on B. offC. up 3. How _______ yogurt do you need? A. manyB. a little C. much 4. I need ______________. A. two slices of bread B. two slices bread C. two slice of bread 5. How ____ cups of milk do you drink every day? A. muchB. manyC. a little 四、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. How many ______ (teacher) are there in your school? 2. I have three _______( watch ). 3. There are some _______( orange) on the table. 4. I like _______(tomato) and _______ ( chicken). 5. How much _______( honey ) do we need? 6. Tina, let’s _________(make) fruit salad. 7. Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now. 8. Tom is a little _________ ( strong) than Mike. 9. I think English is ________________(important) than any other subject. 10. My mother ________( take) the bus to work every day. 五、完形填空 The Right Place for the Reece Mr Reece worked on a farm. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. Every day they worked hard 1 morning till night. One day, Mr Reece 2 his wife. “Let’s go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can 3 a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife was very happy when she 4 this, because they always ate a lot, and she didn’t 5 cooking three times a day. They went to Portsmouth by plane and walked about 6 an hour. Then, when it was twelve o’clock, they wanted to 7 . They looked at four restaurants(饭店). In front of one restaurant, they 8 a notice(公告). It read, “Lunch: 12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 pounds.” “Well, that’s 9 ,” Mrs Reece said. “We can eat for two hours for 1.5 pounds here! This is 10 for us.” 1. A. at B. from C. in D. on 2. A. told to B. asked C. spokeD. said to 3. A. cookB. smellC. haveD. buy 4. A. heard from B. heard of  C. heard   D. listened 5. A. thinkB. wish C. wantD. like 6. A. for B. by C. at D. in 7. A. have a rest   B. have lunch C. take a bus D. go home 8. A. saw B. heard C. watched D. looked for 9. A. terrible  B. well C. badD. great 10.A. the news   B. the thing C. the place D. the shop 六、书面表达 下周末,同学们准备开一次聚会,在聚会上,大家想自己动手制作一些喜欢吃的东西,许多同学爱吃水果沙拉,你会做吗?请你根据下面所给的材料,写出制作水果沙拉的过程。 three bananas, three apples, a watermelon, a bowl, cinnamon, yogurt. _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ VI. Culture(文化): 1. How to keep table manners: * Fingers: We eat with chopsticks, forks, knives and spoons. But we eat some foods with fingers. For example: grapes, pizza, fries and fried chicken. * Elbow: Where do you put your elbows when you are eating? Remember to keep them off the table. * Mouth: Chew with your mouth closed. 2. Eating habit: * Indian use hands to eat meals, southerners use two hands when they are eating, but the northerner just use the left hand to eat. * Arab families use only the first three fingers of the right hand to eat. * American people don’t like to eat up all food when they are eating, they believe that will bring them bad luck and it’s rude. 3. 白族筷子趣话筷子: 白族人民对筷子的偏爱,不仅和其他民族一样在生活中离不开它,而且还形成了独特的习俗。一般请客吃饭,用一般的竹筷子。而在婚礼上使用的筷子,一律都用红颜色染就加工的竹筷子。因此,主人家在婚庆之前要砍回一些竹子请人加工削成筷子,然后用红颜色染红。这一是取红为吉利,二则是借用红字的谐音,取“和睦”之意。而前来参加喜庆婚宴的客人都要把自己使用的那双红筷子带回家、借主人家喜庆庆贺自家“和和气气”、“和睦相处。因而要准备多很多的"红筷子"。有趣的是新媳妇吃饭要用十多双红筷子扎成一把吃饭,据说这是图多子的意思。 答案及简析 一、 A: Let’s make fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. How much cinnamon do we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how many apples do we need? A: Let me think… We need two apples. B: OK, and how much mayonnaise do we need? A: Two teaspoons should be enough. 二、 1 6 10 5 4 2 9 7 3 8 三、 1. B cut up有: 切碎,粉碎,捣毁 的意思. 2. A turn on 的意思是: 打开(电视机) 3. C yogurt是不可


八年级英语第十八单元Come to the party-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力

A.单词 birthday 生日,party聚会,tell告诉,feel感觉,laugh大笑doorbell门铃,sandwich三明治,plate盘子,candle蜡烛

B.词组have a party举行聚会,give…the message把这个信息给……

2.日常用语 1)It does’t matter.没关系。2) see you!=Good bye!再见!3) Thank you for asking me to …。谢谢你邀请我……。4) May I speak to …,please ?我找×××接电话。5)Here’s your present。这是给你的礼物。6)Happy birthday! 生日快乐。7)There is no time to …。没有时间做某事。


邀请:1) Would you like to …? 2) I hope you can…

应答:1) Thanks a lot for…? 2) I would love to … 3) I’m very sorry, I can’t …

请求许可:1) May/ Could I speak to …, Please ? 2) Can I …?

应答:1) Certainly. 2) I’m afraid not. 3) sure. 4) No, you can’t.

1) 单独使用,可作肯定回答,相当于Certainly或Yes。例如:

①-Would you like to come ??/FONT>Sure。你愿意来吗?当然愿意。

2)祈使句Be sure +动词不定式,可用于表示向对方提出强烈的要求,意为“务必”、“切望”。例如:

②Be sure to return it next week. 请务必下星期归还。

③Be sure to come again to Beijing.一定要再来北京。

3)be sure +动词不定式,表示说话人的一种推测或判断,可译为“一定”、“肯定”。例如:

④It’s sure to snow this afternoon.今天下午一定会下雪。

⑤The old woman is sure to live to ninety.那个老人肯定能活到九十岁。

4)be sure +of /about.表示主语,即人“相信”或“对……有把握”。例如:

⑥Mr Green is sure of his business.格林先生对自己的工作很有把握。

⑦I am sure of getting to the top.我自信能达到顶峰。

5)be sure +从句,表示“肯定”、“有把握”。例如:

⑧I am sure that my sister can skate well.我肯定我妹妹滑冰特棒。

⑨Are you sure he is living in Xi’an ?你肯定他就住在西安吗?


⑩She’s sure to stay here./I’m sure of her staying here./I’m sure that she will stay here./Surely she will stay here.

1)That’s right.“对”,“很对”。例如:

①-Classes begin at 7:40, don’t they ? -Yes, that’s right.?-7:40开始上课,是吗?-对.

2)All right.“行”、“好(吧)”、“(病)好了”。例如:

②-Shall we go out for a walk ?-All right .我们散步去好吗?-行。好。

3)That’s all right.“没关系”、“不用谢”。是向对方致谢或道歉时的`礼貌用语。例如:

③-I’m sorry I have broken your pen.-That’s all right.


④-Thank you very much.-That’s all right.别客气。

1)be afraid +动词不定式,表示不敢做某事。 2)be afraid of +动词?-ing,表示害怕出现某种结果。例如:

①I am afraid to get up late because I’m afraid of getting there late.


2)I’m afraid +从句,往往相当于I’m sorry, but …,表示带有歉意的回绝,表示带有一种担忧。例如:

②I’m afraid I can’t go with you.=I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you.


3)I’m afraid so与I’m afraid not常用作答语,前者表示肯定,后者表示否定。so和not相当于that从句。例如:

③-It is going to rain.?-Yes, I’m afraid so./Yes. I’m afraid that it is going to rain.-是的,恐怕是要下雨了。

④-Shall we play foot ball here ?-I’m afraid not. /I’m afraid that you mustn’t play football here.我们在这儿踢球行吗?-恐怕不行。

注:I’m afraid与I hope互为反义。例如:

⑤I’m afraid she won’t go there tomorrow.我担心/怕她明天不去那儿。

⑥I hope she won’t go there. 我希望她明天不去那儿。


1)so +助动词/情态动词/连系运动+另一主语,表示另一主语与前面某人的动作或状态有着相同的肯定概念。例如:

①I am a student and so is she.我是个学生,她也是。

②They had a good time last night, so did I.昨晚他们玩得很愉快,我也是。

③He can swim and so can I.他会游泳,我也会。


④-This story is very interesting.-So it is.-这个故事很普通.-的确如此。

⑤-They study very hard. ?-So they do .-他们学习十分努力.-的确如此。

5. It’s a pleasure. 与with pleasure的区别。

△It’s a Pleasure./ A pleasure与You are welcome.等习语意义相同,用于当别人对你说Thank you. 时,即“不用谢”。例如:

-Thank you for coming to see me . -It’s a pleasure.-谢谢你来看我.-不用谢。

△With pleasure与All right, No problem. I’d like to等习语意义相同。用于别人求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。例如:

-Could you post the letter for me ? -With pleasure.


注:简而言之,It’s a pleasure用于事情发生之后,而with pleasure用于事情发生之前。

1)( )A. happy B. fly C. July D. dry

2)( )A. English B. shine C. thank D. thing

3)( )A. reach B. child C. teacher D. school

4)( )A. above B. love C. strong D. son

5)( )A. count B. country C. young D. enough

6)( )A. weather B. heavy C. great D. ready

7)( )A. tooth B. foot C. book D. good

8)( )A. similar B. south C. sure D. bus

9)( )A. birthday B. yesterday C. today D. says

10)( )A. park B. warm C. party D. part

1)-Your father isn’t a worker, is he ? - .

A. No, he is .

2)-Thank you for teaching us so well, Miss Gao. - .

D. That’s all right.

3)-Where are you, lucy ?-I’m in the bedroom, and .

4) a great party ! delicious the cake is !

5)I get up very late this morning. There no time have breakfast.

6)-May I use the bike, please ?- , it’s not mine.

7)-Lovely weather!- .

B. Yes, isn’t it ?

D. No, it is sunny.

8)-Hello, may I speak to Jim, please ?- .

B. I am here.

9)-I’m sorry I’ve broken your pen. - .

10)-Could you take a message for me, please ?- .

We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago, most people in Europe did not know anything about tea. Some people had heard about it, but very few of them knew what to do about it.

There’s a story about an English sailor(海员) who went do countries in the east, the west and the south. He had been to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a “tea-party”. When her friends came to the “tea-party”, the old woman brought out some tea leaves and asked them to eat. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves. At that time, the sailor came in. he looked at the table and said, “Mother, what have you done with the tea ?” “I boiled(煮)it as you said.”. “and what did you do with the water ?”“I threw it away, of course.” answerd the old woman. Now ,“you may throw away the leaves, too. ”Said the sailor.

1.The sailor gave his mother some as a present.

2.The old woman asked her friends to a .

3.The guests ate at the tea-party.

4.Everyone the tea-leaves.

5.The old woman kept the leaves but threw the away.

Every week Peter and Linda 1 from their parents. This money is their weekly pocket money. 2 is not a gift(礼物), Peter and Linda must work 3 the family then they can get the money. Peter 4 out the garbage(车库) and cleans the places around 5 .He should do it every day, 6 sometimes he forgets. Linda helps her mother 7 the cooking. She also washes the dishes(盘子)after meals. Peter and Linda 8 use their money for food. They use it for something they 9 . Sometimes they get to a park. Sometimes they buy books. They keep their money to buy something 10 .

八年级英语第十八单元Come to the party_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力



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