




1、All the loveless land,


3、w is such an era, see too much without time to appreciate, write too much without time to think.



6、The snow glows white on the mountain tonight



9、Love is the season Yizhenyin sigh; The eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Love it aroused waves of tears。 It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey。爱情是叹息吹起的一阵烟;恋人的眼中有它净化了的火星;恋人的眼泪是它激起的波涛。它又是最智慧的疯狂,哽喉的苦味,吃不到嘴的蜜糖。


11、In the spring becomes the rose

12、My only love sprung from my only hate!我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。

13、The time is out of joint – O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!这是一个礼崩乐坏的时代,唉!倒霉的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任。

14、There are two kinds of tragedies in life. The first is that you can't get what you want, and the other is that you can get what you want.

15、Better a witty fool than a foolish wit。-Shakespeare。宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。

16、——歌曲Let lt Go

17、— Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin

18、Love's not love when it is mingled with regards that stands aloof from the entire point.

19、I finally learned

20、美术教室2 发现美 感受美 创造美 explore beauty appreciate art create art

21、There are too many beautiful faces and too few interesting souls in the world.


23、imagine that all charming people are spoiled, which is the secret of their attraction.

24、If I like someone very much, I will never tell them their names, otherwise, it's like abandoning part of them.

25、It is your own fault, I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you... but now you are going to cry! Then it has done you no good at all!

26、To be,or not to be:that is a question。生还是死,这是个问题。


28、The dreamer can only find his way in the moonlight, and his punishment is the first to see the dawn.



31、音乐教室2 美的旋律在心中流淌!(按照圆心数出来第二层颜色做) beauty melody echoes in heart

32、Children first love their parents, wait for them to judge them when they are older, and then sometimes they forgive them.

33、No winter lasts forever;

34、The only lovely thing about the past is that it's gone.

35、劳技教室 劳动是世界上一切美好事情的源泉 without diligence, no good in the world


37、man's face is his autobiography, and a woman's face is her fantasy.

38、It will whisper of the garden,


40、计算机教室 学电脑 用电脑 我们健康成长的好伙伴 learning computer using computer——our good partner of healthy growth

41、教师阅览室 读过一本好书,就像交了一个益友 a good book is as a friend

42、In the depths of winter

43、The thing that is important is the thing that not seen… It is just as it is with the flower. If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are abloom with flowers…




47、◆thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you i don’t loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you

48、You know – my flower… I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! She is so na?ve! She has four thorns, of no use at all, to protect herself against the world…there now – that is all…


50、Living is precious, most people just exist, that's all.

51、If the hero is judged by the result, those who do not get the chance are the lucky ones.

52、(戈宝权 中译 Lyudmila Purgina 英译)


54、Far beneath the bitter snows

55、There is only one thing worse than being talked about. It is that no one talks about you.

56、Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit。爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。

57、教室 好好学习 天天向上 study hard and make progress every day

58、The purpose of love is to love, not much, not much.

59、教室 团结合作 文明活泼 solidarity, cooperation, politeness, liveliness

60、教室 勤学守纪 健康向上 diligence, discipline, health, excellence

61、Ten thousand miles with no trace of man.


63、Don't be discouraged. Even if you lose everything, you still have the future.

64、You know one loves the sunset,when one is so sad。你知道的当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落。

65、You understand… It is too far. I cannot carry this body with me. It is too heavy. But it will be like an old abandoned shell. There is nothing sad about old shells…

66、To me,you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys。And I have no need of you。And you,on your part,have no need of me。To you,I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes。But if you tame me,then we shall need each other。To me,you will be unique in all the world。To you,I shall be unique in all the world。对我而言,你只是一个小男孩,和其他成千上万的小男孩没有什么不同。我不需要你。你也不需要我。对你而言,我也和其它成千上万的狐狸并没有差别。但是,假如你驯服了我,我们就彼此需要了。对我而言,你就是举世无双的;对你而言,我也是独一无二的。

67、Unfortunately, I spent my whole life on you.

68、And when wind and winter harden

69、Words can not express true love,loyalty behavior is the best explanation.

70、科学教室3 探究从这里开始 inquiry begins from here

71、Lies the seed that with the sun's love


73、l've been for a walk

74、My star will be just one of the stars, for you. And so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens... They will be your friends.

75、教室 努力学习 终身学习 study hard, study all the life


77、Not a foot print to be seen




81、What about a cup of wine inside?

82、Love yourself is the beginning of romance.

83、Since the little wit that fools have was silenc'd, the little foolery that wise men have makes a great show。自从傻子小小的聪明被压制得无声无息,聪明人小小的傻气显得更吸引眼球了。

84、Education is a respectable thing, but keep in mind that there is nothing worth knowing that can be taught.

85、Love's not love when it is mingled with regards that stands aloof from the entire point。爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。

86、——歌曲The Rose

87、— To My Wife: With a Copy of My Poems by Oscar Wilde


89、Be yourself, because someone else has done it.

90、Beauty is a kind of talent, in fact, beauty is more than talent, because it doesn't need to be explained.

91、bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat。 the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper。我两腿早陷在血海里,欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般,叫人心寒,退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深。

92、音乐教室1 音乐是人类最美妙的语言!(按照圆心的颜色做) music serves as the best language

93、One's own soul and the feelings of his friends are the most attractive things in life.


95、And the sky is grey

96、The dreamer can only find his way in the moonlight, and his punishment is to see the dawn ahead of everyone.

97、科学教室2 惊奇就是科学的种子。 surprise is the seed of science.




101、For those who have nothing to do with it, it's impossible to always be kind.


103、— Hal Borland


105、Just remember in the winter


107、Sweet are the uses of adversity。逆境和厄运自有妙处。

108、And it looks like I'm the queen




112、Human life is short,but if this despicable too short life,it too long。人的一生是短的,但如卑劣的过这短的一生,就太长了。


114、All the leaves are brown

115、It's painful to tell the truth, but it's more painful to be forced to lie.


117、Discard time,the time he has abandoned Discard time,and time is up to him。抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。

118、A boat. An old man in a straw raincoat,

119、Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind。卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严:爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。

120、音乐教室3 哪里有音乐哪里就乐融融! (按照圆心的颜色做) music brings happiness


122、think all charming people are spoiled, which is the secret of their attraction source.

123、The wheat fields have nothing to say to me。And that is sad。But you have hair that is the color of gold。Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me!The grain,which is also golden,will bring me back the thought of you。And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat。麦田和我毫不相干,真令人沮丧。不过,你有金黄色的头发。想想看,如果你驯服了我,那该有多好啊!小麦也是金黄色的,那会使我想起你。我会喜欢听麦田里的风声。

124、Music is very romantic, at least unsettling, and now it's the same thing.


126、there was in me an invincible summer.

127、The old believe everything, the middle-aged doubt everything, the young know everything.

128、Everyone is born king, but most people die in exile.

129、A kingdom of isolation


131、There's a gleam of green in an old bottle,

132、教室 文明好学 团结进取 manners, diligence, solidarity, initiative

133、Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.-Shakespeare.

134、——歌曲California Dreaming

135、What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well。沙漠之所以美丽,是因为在它的某个角落隐藏着一口井。

136、The fool made the world, and the wise had to live in it.


138、If the poor have distinct personalities, it will not be difficult to solve the problem of poverty.

139、A thousand mountains without a bird.

140、Time is money.


142、There can be no friendship between men and women, but only love and hate.

143、What moves me so deeply,about this little prince who is sleeping here,is his loyalty to a flower-the image of a rose that shine through his whole being like the flame of a lamp,even when he is asleep。这个熟睡的小王子最叫我感动的地方是,他对一朵玫瑰的感情--甚至他睡着了,那朵玫瑰花的影子,仍像灯光一样照亮他的生命。


145、Beauty, wit, high birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time。美貌智慧门第臂力,事业爱情友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。


147、no spring skips its turn.




151、舞蹈教室 跳动的.音符 流淌的音乐 beating note fluid music

152、When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing, but this year I've already stepped up and found out that it is.




156、Don't gild the lily。不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。

157、To avoid arguments, they are always vulgar and often convincing.

158、阅览室 书籍是人类进步的阶梯 books are the ladders for progress

159、It's frost and sun; the day is fine!


161、You know, it will be very nice. I, too, shall look at the stars. All the stars will be wells with a rusty pulley. All the stars will pour out fresh water for me to drink… That will be so amusing! You will have five hundred million little bells, and I shall have five hundred million springs of fresh water…


163、(Kenneth Rexroth 译)


165、There's a stir of red in the quiet stove,


167、Once you have found a wrong excuse for yourself, you will soon find another hundred excuses for yourself.

168、And up and down the Yellow River, all




172、美术教室1 美在我们心中 beauty stays in our heart

173、There's a feeling of snow in the dusk outside...

174、like to talk to myself because it saves time and no one will argue with me.

175、The real perfection of a man is not what he has, but what he is.

176、Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes。年轻人的爱不是发自内心,而是全靠眼睛。

177、would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful。我只想现在认真过的精采, 无所谓好与坏。

178、美术教室3 畅游在艺术的海洋 navigate in the sea of art

179、To be a spectator of one's own life can avoid troubles in life.



182、If a lot of things are not afraid of being picked up by others, we will definitely throw them away.

183、科学教室1 人的天职在勇于探索真理 it is man’s duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth.


185、Alone in the snow, fishing in the freezing river.


187、When a person is in love, he always begins by deceiving himself and ends by deceiving others.

188、Hundreds of leagues ice-bound go;



191、don't want to make a living. I want to live.

192、Behold! Within and without the Great Wall

193、教室 自立自强 求真向善 self-reliance, self-discipline, seek truth from facts, strive for perfection

194、Every time people agree with me, I think I must be wrong.

195、Frailty, thy name is woman!脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!

196、All men have the stars,but they are not the same things for different people。For some,who are travelers,the stars are guides。For others they are no more than little lights in the sky。For others,who are scholars,they are problems。For my businessman they were wealth。But all these stars are silent。You-you alone-will have the stars as no one else has them每一个人都有自己的星星,但其中的含意却因人而异。对旅人而言,星星是向导;对其他人而言,它们只不过是天际中闪闪发光的小东西而已;对学者而言,星星则是一门待解的难题;对我那位商人来说,它们就是财富。不过,星星本身是沉默的。你--只有你--了解这些星星与众不同的含义。

197、Man is a rational animal, but when he is required to act according to the requirements of reason, he will lose his temper again.

198、科学教室2 我们都是科学小主人 we are the young master of science

199、When a person visits another person, the purpose is to waste other people's time, not their own time.



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